

Press releases and feature articles do not usually clients to push their commercial messages strongly, so we often develop advertorials to deliver more controlled messaging in a similar format but on a paid-for basis.

The approach mirrors that of developing a feature article. We help you identify what you want to say and why, and shape this into an interesting article, which also pushes brands and products or services, complete with appropriate call to action points. We help clients strike the right balance between actively engaging readers and the drive for lead generation.

Through our close relationships with publishers we also help negotiate and agree the advertorial space, as well as developing the content. Often advertorials can be agreed as part of display advertising deals or event sponsorship, and many clients feel they represent better value than display ads.

To give you a flavour of what we can do, here are a couple of examples of advertorials that we have developed for clients previously:

Rapierstar – Housing Association Magazine

Ensuring corrosion doesn’t damage aluminium’s visual appeal

SFS – PBC Today

Transforming quality with clear visibility and BIM data