Presentation development

Whether it is for a one-to-one with clients, a team presentation, a sales pitch, to accompany a speech or an event presentation, making the right impression on-screen is extremely important to help your organisation succeed. We will help you avoid subjecting your audiences to ‘death by PowerPoint’ or give the wrong impression by your audience feeling that your presentation hasn’t been updated for years!
We help clients develop engaging, creative presentations in PowerPoint and other software programs, combining our storytelling and copywriting skills with graphic design expertise. But before we begin, we will take you back to basics – what does the presentation need to achieve and why? How long is it expected to take to deliver? What do you want to take away to be?
We have particular expertise in developing technical presentations for CPD (continuing professional development) meetings, seminars or training. With fresh eyes on your story, we can put ourselves in the shoes of your audience or clients and bring your content to life in the most creative and engaging way.
To discuss how we might be able to help with your presentation please drop us an email here.